More Books About Orchids For You

Here are More Books on Orchid Care: They can help solve your orchid growing problems!

Orchids as House Plants
by Rebecca Tyson Northen
Customer Review: After doing research on the internet and libraries, my questions were not answered until I read this book. Wanting instant gratification I went directly to the index which gave me the areas to read that I needed.

The Orchid Thief : A True Story of Beauty and Obsession
by Susan Orlean
Orchidelirium is the name the Victorians gave to the flower madness that is for botanical collectors the equivalent of gold fever. Wealthy orchid fanatics of that era sent explorers (heavily armed, ...

Botanica's Orchids: Over 1200 Species
by Botanica: Price
Customer Review: I liked this particular book and have found it to be most helpful. I do suggest it be used as a supplement with other books though in that is lacking in different areas.

Culture of the Phalaenopsis Orchid
by Bob Gordon;
Customer Review: Overall good book for beginner Phalaenopsis enthusiast eager to learn more than just the simplest basics. Gordon does a good job discussing elements of culture that help you understand how to adjust your care to your growing conditions. This book could use an update with lots of glossy pictures. That's my way of saying that ..

Understanding Orchids: An Uncomplicated Guide to Growing the World's Most Exotic Plants
by William Cullina
Customer Review: A good, general reference for the advanced beginner. The inclusion of the writer's personal experiences with growing are encouraging and appreciated. Excellent photography.

Orchids for Dummies
by Steven Frowine
Dozens of black-and-white photographs and diagrams show you how to care for your plants. After giving the lowdown on growing orchids, as well as suggesting what tools to buy, author Steven A. Frowine covers everything from propagation to ailments plus suggesting what types to try.

The Orchid in Lore and Legend
by Luigi Berliocchi
This book, translated from the Italian is a great reference for orchid growers of all levels of experience. It covers myths, history, both ancient and modern and diverse subjects such as orchids in literature, Art religion. And it even has a section on various kinds of orchid culture.

Orchids for Everybody
by Lee Wickham
This is a book published in the late 1950's that chronicles the love one man developed for orchids over the course of a life time. He spent a lifetime developing and preserving wild orchids from seed.

And one more book:

Orchid Pests and Diseases
by James Watson
2002. Revised Edition. This update of the 1995 edition of this popular book produced by the American Orchid Society is packed with practical advice on insect and non insect pests, bacterial and fungal diseases, orchid viruses, and physiological disorders.

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