Orchidaceae Newsletter October 2005

Volume 2 #10


1. All About Orchids the mini e-book
2. Our October Specials
3. Tip of the Month - Cattleya Orchid Plants - Why They Are Not Popular


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Hi again, well fall is back and the cooler season is upon us. As we mentioned in our last newsletter our home is feeling somewhat empty. For those of you who have or had children in college you know what I mean. Our freshman is doing well and has made quite a few friends. That makes us feel great and she is playing her sport - soccer

First I want to thank all of you and our new customers for buying orchids in September. I will be sending a check to the American Red Cross next week for 5% of the orchids that were bought.I am sure the folks hit by Katrina and Rita will appreciate it.

The Fall Season

Just a quick word about the your outdoor orchids. As the cooler weather chages in parts of the country be sure that the orchids come indoors when the temp temp gets below 50 degrees.

Cymbidiums can tolerate a lower temp, maybe down to 40 degrees.

Be sure that you continue to water your orchids, even in the cooler weather they will continue to need it. You may be able to cut back on the frequency, from 3 to 2 times a week.


The response to our newly added items has been gratifying. Thank you.

The overwhelming favorite has been the embossed roses. These are really awesome. The most common phrase eing printed on the petals is, "I Love You".

There has also been good response to the "fresh flowers". It seems the bouquets have won out here over the roses.

The response to our bonsais have been good and the feedback on the product is good as well. These little "miniatures" are really fascinating to watch grow.

Take a look look at our site and you will see the pages to get started. Click on them and off you go.

Let me know what you think of these new sections. Click here to let me know.

All About Orchids"

I have a free Mini E-Book which actually tells you a lot about orchids. There is some history, naming and naturally the care of orchid plants and some of the diseases that can attack your orchids.

For your FREE copy just go here to our contact page. Once there just put in the words "mini book" and your email address and it'll be off to you.

Our October Specials

Here is your October Specials

Remember We Are Now On RSS

RSS can stand for Real Simple Syndication. It is becoming the "new way" of communication with people and customers. It is a revolutionary new tool that gives you the control.

It is a way for both individuals or businesses to let others know what is going on.

Our RSS is generally updated once a week and usually on Fridays. It is our way to keep you up to date.

All you need is a RSS Reader and one of the most popular is called FeedDemon . There are also others with a few less bells and whistles that are free.

Once you have the "reader" all you need to do is to put our RSS address into the reader under new subscription. Our address is; http://www.orchids-plus-more.com/support-files/orchids-rss.xml Just copy and paste this into the reader.

Cattleya Orchid Plants -
Why They Are Not Popular

How popular is the cattleya orchid plants? Is it grown by hobbyists or not? How big is the flower?

Before we get into the answers for these and other questions let's look at a bit of history of the cattleya. It is fascinating! Cattleya orchids have been named since the early 19th century.

The earliest named cattleya was the Cattleya labiata. Since then there has been a mystique about them. From the hobbyist perspective they are probably the most popular plant.

The cattleya orchid plants have one of the largest flowers, 5 inches across. They are harder to grow as most of them flower only once per year. And the flowers last only about 2 - 3 weeks.

Although the hobbyists are the ones particularly taken with cattleya plants now. They are becoming popular with non-hobbyist because of the size of the flower. These large flowers are exquisite and unique for corsages.

For the cattleya orchid plants to become a main-stay of orchids several things are happening today. The new hybrids are lasting longer and they are blooming more than once per year.

It has been shown that the orchids now can be bred for more frequent blooming. This is important for the non-hobbyist who doesn't want the plant to be just leaves for 49 weeks a year.

Cattleya orchids also will show the flower for more than 2-3 weeks and some of the hybrids have been shown to have flowers for up to 5 -6 weeks.

Blooming more than once per year is important and actually has sponned another sub-industry. Some of the nurseries across the country will "board" your cattleya between blooming seasons.

Currently the orchid registry in England has not added many hybrids. Over the last 100+ years the numbers have been essentially stagnant. This means these orchid plants have been primarily in the hands of hobbyists and not the general public.

Cattleya must be easier for folks to grow because most of us do not enjoy the benefits of a greenhouse.

Indeed, cattleya orchid plants growers have been making some good progress in the frequency of cattleya blooming frequency and increasing the length of time that the flowers stay in bloom. I feel it will be over the next 2 - 5 years you will see the popularity of these beautiful plants increase.

This newsletter and articles may be reproduced with our permission as long as the authorship and Web site are acknowledged in the article. Bob Roy - http://www.orchids-plus-more.com Copyright © 2005 Orchids Plus More.com and LEB Enterprise