Watering And A Pot With No Drainage

by Jamie
(Gloucester, VA)

This is a first for an orchid. We just received one from a friend and it is gorgeous. It came in a glass pot (without holes). Does the orchid need to be in a pot that has drain holes?

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Sep 13, 2011
Your Orchid Needs To Have Drainage
by: Melissa

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your question. It is a good and important one.

By the way, do make lovely gifts, don't they? And many are really gorgeous.

It would help if I knew what kind of orchid it was. But no matter. It NEEDS drainage. Oftentimes, orchids for sale will be in decorative planters that do not drain. In the best case senerio the orchid is in a pot that does drain and then that pot is put into a more decorative or aesthetic container. This is a great solution. But not always done.

Unfortunately, if your orchid does not drain it will be more than likely prone to root rot and it will die. This is even more true if it is a Phalaenopsis orchid as they are prone to root rot.

If in fact, it does not drain at all, then you must consider repotting it into a pot that drains. Even if it has blossoms.

Good luck!

Contact me again if you need help repotting!


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