Should I Cut The Stalk Of My Non Blooming Orchid

by Kay

My indoor orchid isn't blooming and the stalk is drying out. Should I cut the stalk so it regrows?

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Aug 10, 2011
Depends On The Kind Of Orchid, If A Phalaenopsis, You Can Try Cutting It
by: Melissa

Hi Kay, Thanks for your question.

It would help alot if you said what kind of orchid it is as there are many types of orchids and how they are treated can vary greatly.

IF your plant is a PHALAENOPSIS and the stem is still viable you can cut it just above the second or third node and see if it will push another flower spike. If it does it will shorten the time to bloom by maybe a month or two. Most Phals. bloom once a year (some more). And then the blooms can last up to 4 months if the plant is happy and the environment is right for it to thrive.

If it is not a Phal, then tell me what the tag says. I would need to know the kind of orchid to better advise you.

Hope this helps.


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