Repotting New Seedlings

by Hali

Dear Orchid Dr.

I bought two orchids from a nursery online they came in 3" pots do I need to repot or put more bark. They came with minimal instructions saying repot after 2-3 days of receiving but they sell more than orchids. I was referred to you by a friend who has received great advice from you which has helped her a lot. The orchids I purchased are:

Hardy Nodding Ladies Truss Orchid - Spiranthes - Potted

Sharry Baby Oncidium Orchid Plant - Potted

The little pots are for the truss is almost full the Sharry is half way.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All My Best,

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Aug 05, 2011
How To Treat New Seedlings, They Are Very Different!u
by: Melissa

Hi Hali.

Thanks for your question. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I know a fair bit about Oncidiums but nothing about Spiranthes. So I had to do some research.

I can not say for sure if you need to repot them but if the nursery said so than I would do it.

The Spiranthes is a terrestrial orchid (lovely little guy and looks to be easy). As such it would be potted in lose type dirt media.

Here is a link to cultural information for your Spiranthes cernua:

This should be helpful in growing this lovely little guy. So it needs to be repotted in soil.

The Sharry Baby is an Oncidium and would be best in a small orchid fir bark, or perhaps a mix, definitely NOT soil. I custom mix my media depending on what I am growing using different sizes of orchid bark, perlite, sometimes a little charcoal, sometimes some lava rock. It just depends. But orchid fir bark should work fine. Oncidium have fine little roots.

I LOVE Sharry Baby Oncidiums. The blossoms smell like chocolate. So go to this page on my site: for lots of info on growing Oncidiums. I think there is even a picture of a Sharry Baby on that page.

Good luck.

Let me know how it goes.


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