Photos With Your Answers Would Be Better

by Joe
(Hamilton, New Zealand)

If you can attach some photos with the answers, such as the syndrome of diseases, the remedy of the methods, it will be great instead of guessing and puzzles.


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Oct 10, 2011
Yes, I Could Possibly Do More, Yet All My Advice IS Free
by: Melissa

Hi Joe,

While I appreciate your remarks, I don't really appreciate your tone so much.

It is most certainly NOT my intention to keep anyone quessing and I never respond with "puzzles" as you indicated.

I have many, many years of orchid experience and if I am not always clear it is perhaps because I am very familiar with orchids and forget that my visitors might not be. I am sharing my knowledge and passion with others and trying to help.

If I had the time to upload more photos that would be great. But I support this site which costs a bit to host and have written over 100 pages of LOTS and LOTS of free information.

My readers do, however, have to read and learn on their own.

I spend at least 10 hours weekly answerng questions here and helping people learn how to grow orchids. And I do it for free.

Can I do it better? You bet. Do I have time to?
No, not really.

Most folks who write me are grateful that I am willing to try and help them learn more and they realize that I am doing this out of a willingness to help and share a wonderful passion.

I have been continuing to try to improve this site for several years. This forum here is an effort to do so. I used to just answer emails. Now I take the time to create a page just for each question or subject so others can offer input as well.

I have been wanting to add photos to the responses for a while, but as I have only been using this forum for questions for a couple of months I just simply have not had time. It is hard to even keep up with the postings and page building. I look to a time when I can improve things more.

I have done alot to improve this site. I will continue to do so. And of course there are other forums (with pictures sometimes) that folks can go to to get help.


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