New To Orchids, Want To Attach A Cattleya To An Oak Tree Outside

I just bought a nice sized Cattleya orchid & would like to attach it to a live oak tree. What's the best way to do this?

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Jul 30, 2011
Make Sure The Orchids Can Live Outside All Year
by: Melissa

Thanks for your questions.

If you want to put a Cattleya on an oak tree outside there are a couple of considerations.

The main thing I would like to say is that you need to live in an area where Cattleya and other orchids can live outdoors year round if you intend to keep it on a tree. So if this is an area where orchids grow and thrive on trees already like Florida, great. Go for it. If you live where the temperatures get below say 50 F. for any significant period of time growing orchids attached permanently on a outdoor tree would not be recommended at all.

You might be able to do something similiar by putting it on a separate mount and hanging it on the tree. Then when the weather starts to turn cold you could move it to somewhere (like indoors or a greenhouse) where it is warmer and where the temperatures are more suited for a Cattleya to surive and thrive. Rule of Thumb for temperature with Catts. is 55- 60 F. degrees at night and 70 - 75 F. degrees. during the day. Some of the hybrids need it even slightly warmer.

I have copied and pasted a web page (listed below)from some fabulous orchid growers Carter and Holmes, (especially Cattleyas) on mounting orchids. It is a great piece. It is called "Caring for Orchids Growing on Mounts".

I did not write it however it has great information.

It is good to note when repotting Catts. that they like to be potted when they have new growth. Actually repotting time for Catts. varies depending on its parentage but that is way to complicated to go into here. You will just have to take your chances in this respect.

Also if you choose attach your orchid to a tree or a mount you can also use monofilament line(like clearish fishing line) instead of wire like is suggested in the article.

As I said you might consider is mounting the Catt. on some piece of bark or cork, making it into a mount and then hanging the mount on a tree. The advantage of this (and this is a big advantage) is that you can move the plant when the plant needs more shade (like in the beginning after re-potting) or if the temperatures really drop and still have it look more natural growing on the tree much of the year.

There was a big freeze in Florida last year or so and many of my site visitors wrote to ask me what to do about frozen orchids in their yard. (Not much, I am afraid. Freezing for most orchids is often fatal.)

Anyway here is the link to the page on "Caring for Orchids Growing On Mounts."

Let me know how it goes!


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