Orchidaceae Newsletter

"Your best online source of orchids plus more" January 6, 2007

Hi Friends:

Happy New Year! We hope that all your holidays were fantastic and you were able to relax as well.

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. For Thanksgiving we had all of our family together and it was great. For Christmas and New Years our youngest daughter was with us. She's home from college until mid month and it is nice having her.

I have some good orchid tips for you as well as some great specials.

Don't forget our e-book, Mastering Orchids for those who want to learn more about orchids and have the best looking orchids around.

Keep Up To Date with our Blog - Orchidsplantsblog: http://orchidplantsblog.wordpress.com/

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Remember, our Free FedEx 2 day shipment continues at no additional cost will be incurred by our customers.


------Remember Free Shipping-----

INDEX: 1: Orchid Specials this month 2: a. Reblooming - its not to difficult b. Winter and Humidity 3: Special Orchid Pics

Specials of the Month - for January 2007

Some of your favorite specials

Here is a very colorful orchid that is wonderful for any home or office gift.
Phal Brother Oxford

or copy and paste: http://orchid-store.orchids-plus-more.com/phalbrotheroxfordA.html
Large branching sprays of multi-hued stiped flowers

This orchid is one of the prettiest.
Pretty In Pink or copy and paste this: http://orchid-store.orchids-plus-more.com/prettypink1890A.html
this is one of our favorites.br>
Imagine more than 15 miniature orchids from each spike...
Dendrobium Kingianum
..and multiple spikes

or copy and paste this: http://orchid-store.orchids-plus-more.com/dendkingianumA.html

Tip of the Month

So Your Orchid Won't Rebloom!

Reblooming is still the biggest problem for orchid growers and enthusiasts. There are certain times of the year that most orchids bloom. You can see when these times are in my book, Mastering Orchids ( http://www.orchids-plus-more.net/subscribe )in the flowering table.

There are three or four steps you can try to get your orchid to re-bloom.

1. One of the first things to look for is light. Without the proper lighting your orchid will not have new flowers. Light is the most important factor to help with this process. This is one of the first things to try. Remember in the winter the amount of light is lessened and this can have an effect.

2. Next is a change in temperatures. This is especially true for phalaenopsis orchids but does hold true for other genera of orchids. It is recommended that your temperatures vary about 10 - 15 degrees between day and night time. This is easier to do in the Northern climates.

It may be a simple as putting your plants outside when the weather gets cooler. This may need to be done in Southern climates.

3. After your orchid is finished blooming you should cut the spike back. You will notice little "bumps" on the spikes, these are called knuckles or more properly nodes. About 2 inches above the 3rd node from the bottom of the spike cut the rest of the spike off.

After you have done this the spike needs to be protected from disease. This is accomplished by using cinnamon powder or melted wax over the cut area. Cinnamon is should be used on any cut area.

4. If all else has failed there is one last trick to reblooming you can use. And that is to get the orchid into darkness. Yes, I said darkness. There are some experts who recommend this as a first step. I don't. This may be true especially for cattleyas but can be done for all orchid genera.

To do this the plant needs darkness for at least 12 hours a day. This can be accomplished by putting it in a dark basement or putting a lightweight dark cloth over it. These steps will get your orchid to produce more of those great looking blooms.

Winter and Humidity.

Orchids do much better when the humidity is about 40 - 60%. This becomes very difficult in the winter and all year round in the South where a/c is used.

I recommend, as noted in Mastering Orchids, that you use a humidity tray. This is a metal tray which is filled with pebbles. Once the pebbles are in them half fill the tray with water. Place your orchids on the pebbles but be sure the plant is NOT sitting in water. If orchids sit in water there roots will rot. Misting your plants will also do the same thing. There are several precautions that you need to take; don't let water sit in the lowest leaves or there can be leave rot. I do not recommend misting the blooms as the water may spot them.

Picture of the Month

If you like butterflies and orchids you will love these pictures. They appeared in our blog a few weeks ago.

Butterflies and Orchids or copy and paste this. http://www.webshots.com/search?query=Butterfly+Flowers+Orchid

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Orchids Plus More.com and LEB Enterprise
The articles in this newsletter may be copied but must include our Web site name and author reference